"DESCRIPTION 1"="IOS.INI (meaning Initializing Operating System) is a plain text file found in your Win9x/ME folder. However, the lines contained in IOS.INI are a powerful filter for the Operating System."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="Here is how it works: Win9x/ME boots up, the GUI loads, Windows then loads its 32-bit protected mode disk paging VXDs (virtual eXtended drivers), but needs to know if there is -NO- real DOS mode [16-bit] driver/device/TSR [terminate and stay resident program], that can interfere with 32-bit Windows disk operation. Some well known and some less known (to Windows 9x/ME) such programs might drive the OS "crazy" - forcing it to start with one of those alert/warning messages that reads something like: "A new MS-DOS resident program named 'CACHDISK' may decrease your system's performance. Would you like to see more information about this problem?" The whole "secret" lies in the list found under Ios.ini's [SafeList] section. If one of your "weird" drivers/TSRs loaded in memory from a Config.sys or Autoexec.bat command line is not present on this list, the OS might show a message similar to the one above, and aborts the loading of its 32-bit disk drivers, which causes performance to degrade."
"DESCRIPTION 3"="All you need to do (ONLY if you determined that your particular program WILL NOT interfere with Windows proper operation) is use this plug-in to remove items that you determine are safe to remove."
"DESCRIPTION 4"="Use at your own risk."
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"
"COMMENT 1"=" "
Dim aryLoc(512) '512 items inside this array should be okay...
Sub Plugin_Initialize
sFile=GetWinDir & sF
Call ReloadAll
End Sub
Sub ReloadAll
for i=1 to iUICount
Call SetUIElement(i,"")
iC=TxtOpen(sFile) 'open file
iStart=TxtFindLine("[SafeList]",false) 'search for start of section
if iStart>0 then
'we make an endless loop....
do while true
if (left(s,1)<>"[") and (len(s)>0) then
'safe data for later use
SetUIElement iUICount,s
'the text starts with "[" -> next section e.g. [UNSAFE] -> exit loop
exit do
end if
end if
End Sub
Sub Plugin_CheckData(ElementIndex)
End Sub
Sub Plugin_Apply(ElementIndex,ElementSubIndex)
'-----------Add Item--------------------
if ElementIndex=1 then
s=InputWindow("Please type in the filename for the new item. (Note: You can add a space and ';' as a comment, e.g. 'blah.dos ;a nice driver')","",1)
if IsEmpty(s)=false then
'set the text inside the file
Call TxtInsertLine(iStart,s)
'save the file
Call TxtSave()
'reload list
Call ReloadAll
end if
end if
'-----------Remove Item--------------------
If ElementIndex=2 then
if ElementSubIndex>0 then
Call TxtDeleteLine(i)
Call TxtSave()
Call ReloadAll
Call MsgError("Unable to continue - please select an item first")